Adrian Meyer
In a Silent Way
November 25, 2022 to January 28, 2023
Closed from December 18, 2022 to January 10, 2023
Thursday, November 24, 2022, 18.30h
Introduction by Andrea Wolfensberger, artist
Artist Talk:
Saturday, January 14, 2023, 15 Uhr
Saturday, January 28, 2023, 13-17h
Opening Hours:
Wednesday to Friday 17-19h
Saturday 13-17h
or by appointment
In a Silent Way
As always with works by Adrian Meyer, his radical approach to painting is evident. Behind the abstract and expressive images are interwoven traces of color, summations of structures and seemingly endless deposits of solidified colors. The lack of pictorial motif is a conscious refusal, towards forms of soundless narratives. The color spaces expose the depths of surfaces and at the same time allow something of their hidden order to shine through. They are orders that do not prove to be logical and li-near, but rather strange and complex. The superimposed colors are sediments of sometimes very thin layers or, when applied impasto, lead to an almost haptic presence. A color, be it a red, a blue or a yellow, is not perceived in isolation and absolutely. Rather, its foundation is unstable as a result of the moving interplay with neighboring or intertwined shades. The reality of this painting reflects in this coded form the reality of everyday life and translates it into a dynamic, abstract expressivity.
Whether someone paints abstractly or representationally is not the focus. Painting in all its forms is always an adventurous process with an openended outcome, as chaotic as life itself. The constant doubt between devotion and reflection disappears behind the picture, so to speak. In this sense, the concept of beauty is too big a word for the contemporary taste of painterly discourse. Fatally, one always separates the two - beautiful and ugly - knowing that in their polarity they are a whole.
Lives and works as an architect in Baden.
His studio as a painter is located in Schwaderhof, Birrwil.
© Adrian Meyer