Adrian Meyer

March 14 to April 26, 2025

Thursday, march 13, 2025, 18.30h
Introduction by Christoph Baumann, musician

Artist Talk:
Saturday, March 29, 2025, 15h

Saturday, April 26, 2025, 13-17h

Opening hours:
Wednesday to Friday 17-19h
Saturday 13-17h
or by appointment

Equipped with an always open and unobstructed view of the cosmos of painting, Adrian Meyer finds his way, in the sense of a 'recherche patiente', to works that are consistently characterized by freedom and unboundedness. Their expression is revealed in blurs and evaporations that undermine any suggestion of the semantic concept of form. Moreover, the color effect remains unstable due to its sedimentary and wash-like application. Through this type of abstraction, Meyer translates the perception of external reality into a completely unique visual language.
In the 'Unplugged' series of works, a tension becomes visible between surface and depth, the chaos of dissolved colour spaces and their connection to an invisible order, which in turn is partly superimposed by biomorphic or geometricized figures. The repetition of the formats and their hanging also leaves this tension in abeyance.
Each individual picture is an experiment, created on the threshold between risk and failure. It is a constant, patient game of intuition and chance - experimental in nature, but not uncontrolled. The color spaces are created through deposition, subtraction and transparency. They are interwoven stories. The canvas detaches the colorful events from the wall and its boundaries become the starting and ending point of the composition.
Adrian Meyer's studio in Schwaderhof, above Lake Hallwil, has become a place for the irrepressible flow of glazed colors and the brittle charm of their dried state. But it is also the place where the emptiness of an unprimed canvas is constantly overcome in order to give form to the formless, to fleeting thoughts.
Nevertheless, it is not the words that describe the pictures - it is the pictures themselves. But pictures are silent and do not change, only our view of them.

Mistery Train © Adrian Meyer


10 years of Galerie 94


Yasuhiro Ogawa - Silence